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Research mobility: inflow of foreign researchers

In accordance with the Scientific Directorate’s Strategic Plan for Research and in line with the aim of strengthening INT’s presence at an international level, €150,000 has been allocated in 2017 for activities promoting internationalization (which could become an annual appropriation) by supporting both incoming and outgoing researchers.

Grants will be awarded until funds are expended. This international mobility program is meant to be an essential tool for professional development throughout the stages of a researcher’s career and aims at facilitating training, the acquisition and development of new skills, and a process of knowledge transfer in the fields of experimental, translational and clinical research.

The INT international mobility program enables researchers to work together with colleagues from scientifically advanced institutions at a European and extra-European level, and to learn about the latest and best practices at a global level. In this context, foreign researchers already participating in collaborative projects with INT’s Units or planning to do so will also be able to ask for funding of short-term visits.
Funding for short-term visits (3-6 months) of foreign researchers to INT’s Units: a fixed monthly allowance of € 2500 is granted for travel and accommodation.

Submission of applications
To request funding, please send an email to the Scientific Directorate at the following address: submitting all the required documents, at least three months prior to the planned start date of the activities, namely:

a. a reference letter by the sending institution
b. the candidate’s CV
c. a description of the activities/ tasks to be carried out at the host institution
d. a letter of acceptance by the host INT research group

Assessment will be based on the evaluation of the submitted documentation and the availability of funding allocated to these activities.

For further information, please contact



Ultimo aggiornamento: 13-09-2017 12:55:11

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