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Research Areas > Gynecological Cancer

The gynecologic oncology unit is a composite unit inside that the patient is treated and followed during all the natural hystory of disease from screening and early diagnosis, to surgery, until the Medical oncological treatment and follow up.

Along the Way patient receive an high quality standard of care combined with the most up to date surgical and Medical research protocols. The surgical research is particularly involved in fertility preservation techiniques in early stage tumors, quality of life preservation with new surgical tecniques sparing nerve functionality or sentinel lymphnode techiniques.

Moreover last generation devices are used in ovarian cancer aggressive surgery and modern approaches as radio surgery or photodynamic treatments are used for the cure of rare vulvar cancer. The medical unit is particularly involved in the evaluation of new drugs and combination treatments for the personalized cure of different tumors requiring different approaches; in particular parp inhibitors, immunotherapy and antiangiogenic agents are used as single agent or in combinations in the different setting of disease.

Several research protocols with new drugus are ongoing and particular attention is also payed to the control of chemotherapy related symptoms with last generation anti emetic drugs under evaluation. Finally vaccine protocol for primary cervical cancer prevention with last generation vaccines are ongoing.


As far as gynecological cancers unit, several studies are ongoing. For ovarian cancer where different tumor mutations have been identified as driver of different histotypes, personalized treatments with parp inhibitors, immunotherapy and anti her 2 antibodies are ongoing for different tumor types. For cervical and endometrial cancer different studies evaluating the role of immunotherapy are ongoing

Ultimo aggiornamento: 25-07-2017 11:36:46

[ Indietro ]

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