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Marco Fiore

Marco Fiore


Telefono segreteria:
(+39)02.2390 3234
(dal lunedi al venerdi, risponde segreteria telefonica)

(+39)02.2390 2404

Marco Fiore, MD is in charge at Sarcoma Service of Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Tumori (INT), Milan – Italy as Surgical Oncology Consultant.

Dr. Fiore graduated in Medicine in 2000 with distinction at Univeristy of Milan-Bicocca and obtained the General Surgery Board Certification in Milan.

Since 2002 he started his full-time collaboration at the Sarcoma Service at INT under the supervision of dr. Alessandro Gronchi.

In 2004 Dr. Fiore won the Terry Fox scholarship for international exchange program at Institute Gustave Roussy (Villejuif, France) participating to local Sarcoma Board clinical activity.

Since 2005 he continuously joined the Sarcoma Service (INT), with special committment for Soft Tissue Sarcomas, GISTs and Rare Tumors surgery.

Since July 2005 he has been Co-moderator of the Rare Tumor Network (Rete Nazionale Tumori Rari, with responsibility for surgical teleconsulting.

He received the International Career Exchange Development Award from the Society of Srugical Oncology (SSO) in 2016.

Presently he is in charge as Surgical Oncologist and gained extensive surgical experience on soft tissue sarcoma surgery of the limbs, trunk and retroperitoneum, with more than 150 surgical procedures yearly as first surgeon.

Dr. Fiore is affiliated to American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Connective Tissue Oncology Society (CTOS), Italian Sarcoma Group (ISG), European Pediatric Soft-tissue Sarcoma Study Group (EpSSG), European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO), Italian Society of Surgical Oncology (SICO), European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO).

Since 2003, dr. Fiore co-authored more than 60 original papers in high ranking international journals, and participated to several international meetings as presenter or invited speaker.

He serves as responsible of the Sarcoma Oncoteam (Italian Society of Surgical Oncology), and as Director of the European School of Soft Tissue Sarcoma Surgery (ESSO).

CV (scarica PDF)

Pubblicazioni (scarica PDF)

S.S. Chirurgia dei Sarcomi

Tutti gli aspetti clinici dalla diagnostica alla chirurgia vengono trattati all'interno della Struttura, con uno specifico expertise nella chirurgia conservativa degli arti, grazie alla esperienza in tecniche di ricostruzione funzionale e ricostruzione plastica, alla disponibilità di trattamenti loco-regionali, ed alla sistematica collaborazione multidisciplinare nella programmazione degli iter terapeutici ed esecuzione degli interventi chirurgici.

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Ultimo aggiornamento: 11-10-2016 13:35:51

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