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Stefano Radaelli

Stefano Radaelli


Telefono segreteria:
(+39)02.2390 2598
(dal lunedi al venerdi, risponde segreteria telefonica)

(+39)02.2390 2404

Dr. Stefano Radaelli was born in Vimercate on January 8th 1979 and earned a degree in Medicine and Surgery at full marks with honors from the University of Milan in July 2005 .
After the first few years of training, first as a student and then as a medical trainee at the hospitals Policlinico and Luigi Sacco in Milan he has worked steadily since 2009 at the National Cancer Institute-Department of Surgery, developing particular interest in the study and care of adult soft tissue sarcoma.
In November 2011 he obtained his diploma in General Surgery at full marks with honors and subsequently spent a period of about 6 months in the capacity of observer at the hospitals Royal Marsden in London and Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, where he could enrich his knowledge about the clinical features and surgical part of sarcomas .
After a brief period at the Italian National Cancer Institute of Milan as a fellow, from the month of October 2012 has received a one-year surgical fellowship at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham (UK) working at Midland Abdominal and Retroperitoneal Sarcoma Unit. During this period he has improved his skills in the context of oncologic soft tissue sarcomas with particular reference to mesenchymal neoplasms in the retroperitoneum, GIST and sacral chordoma.
In the same period he attended the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in Birmingham where he could develop his skills related to the diagnosis and treatment of soft tissue sarcomas of the limbs and trunk.
From December 1st 2013 he has been working at the Sarcoma Service of the National Cancer Institute of Milan.
He is author and co-author of several scientific publications in national and international journals.

CV (scarica PDF)

Pubblicazioni (scarica PDF)


S.S. Chirurgia dei Sarcomi

Tutti gli aspetti clinici dalla diagnostica alla chirurgia vengono trattati all'interno della Struttura, con uno specifico expertise nella chirurgia conservativa degli arti, grazie alla esperienza in tecniche di ricostruzione funzionale e ricostruzione plastica, alla disponibilità di trattamenti loco-regionali, ed alla sistematica collaborazione multidisciplinare nella programmazione degli iter terapeutici ed esecuzione degli interventi chirurgici.

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Ultimo aggiornamento: 19-11-2014 16:24:11

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